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Coding Exercises & Quizzes

1. W3Schools#

Exercises and Quizzes for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, PHP, Python, jQuery, Bootstrap and more.

2. W3Docs#

Exercises for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and Git. Quizzes for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, Git, React, Vue and more.

3. W3Resource#

Exercises for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, PHP, Python, jQuery and many more. Quizzes for Python.

4. CheckIO#

Coding Challenges in form of a game (currently only supports Python & TypeScript).

5. UI Coach#

Frontend Coding Challenges (HTML, CSS).

6. Daily UI#

Frontend Coding Challenges (HTML, CSS).

7. Codewar#

Build your understanding of JavaScript through logic-based challenges. Codewars is a great place to improve your problem-solving skills.

8. Exercism#

If you learn better by problem-solving, Exercism is an incredible resource. Out of the front-end languages, you can only do challenges for JavaScript, but the track will help you become a JS master!

9. 30 Seconds of Interviews#

30 Seconds of Interviews is a great place to come if you want to test yourself with dev-related questions. Perfect for some last minute interview prep!